Monday, August 27

Back to School

Wow - I can't believe summer is already over. Tyler started first grade last week. He is very excited about going to school for the whole day. With the birth of Andrew, I think this is perfect opportunity to put a little more structure back in Tyler's day.

Lots of other firsts also. Andrew had his first bath at home. He screamed bloody murder through the whole thing, but snuggled up nice once he got the towel around him.

Tyler and Eliana continue to be wonderful helpers and great big brother / big sister for Drew. Eliana insists on helping us change Drew, usually by singing him songs and holding his 'bink' to help keep him calm. Both kids are always asking to hold Andrew and rock him to sleep.

Melissa is recovering very well. All the help we have received from our extremely generous neighbors, friends and family has made it easier for all of us. From bringing over meals to driving the kids to events or offering play dates, we are extremely blessed and can't thank you enough.

We even got a visit from 'Auntie Ceil' who flew all the way out from DC area. I am not sure who was more excited - Ellie to have someone to play with, Tyler for having someone to kick the soccer ball around with, Melissa for having one of her best friends to talk with, or Dave, who got to go mountain biking with Ceil. Always good to catch up with good friends.

1 comment:

Jon Hoefer said...

Dave and Melissa:

Congratulations on the arrival of Drew! You have certainly been blessed with one beautiful family. We missed seeing Dave at the 20th reunion, but I think his abscence was for a pretty darn good reason! Have been thinking about you guys and were glad to hear that Dave made it up to Jim's for the weekend. Would love to touch base and catch up.

Drop us a line when you can:

Congratulations again! All our best,
Jon & Kristen Hoefer