Monday, September 28

Drew School

We found a great pre-school for Drew to attend 2-days a week. St. Mathews Preschool is literally right behind Ty and Ellie's elementary school, making drop off and pick up easy. And Drew absolutely loves it! He calls it 'Drew's School'. He still misses Tyler and Ellie, but it helps now that he has his own thing too. Of course, it helps us parents a little too

As you can see, his teachers are really good. They create a warm and caring environment for the kids to learn in. Each week, he comes home with some project he worked on, and boy is he proud of it.

Tuesday, September 8

1st Day of School

Click on title above (1st day of school) for link to more photos. Kids first day at school. We have almost 30 kids at the bus stop, thanks to budget cuts. Makes for a fun morning, however. I am thinking about setting up a starbucks at the corner - I can probably make a ton of money with the mom and dad crowd

Tuesday, September 1

Ellie loses her first (and second) tooth

Before we left Kansas, Ellie lost her first tooth on June 20th. Then when we got to Virginia, she lost her second. Both on the bottom front. Combine that with her entering Kindergarten, and this have been a big year for our little girl!
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