Thursday, December 24

Christmas Newsletter

Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies….okay, this isn’t the condensed version of the classic The Wizard of Oz, and as you may have noticed from the return address, we aren’t in Kansas anymore. But like Dorothy, we survived the cyclone, of moving, that is.

Reflecting back, it has been a good year. It started out with Dave looking for a new job – Capital One decided to shut down their KC office by mid-summer 2009. I guess that would make Dave the ‘Scarecrow’, but looking for work instead of a brain. The combination of work opportunities and family lead us to follow the yellow brick road back to Virginia, where Dave found work at Navy Federal Credit Union. While he is enjoying his new job, it was great that he had time off to help with the move and spend time with the kids this summer, although we did not even make a dent in the “Honey Do” list.

Speaking of the kids, they have shown the heart of the Tin Man as well as the courage of the Lion adjusting to the move, a new school, and their activities.

Before we moved, Tyler attended his first overnight camp with our Church. I think we were more scared then he was, especially because of the spectacular summer Kansas storm that decided to roar through the first night. Tyler continues to play soccer – he joined the Annandale Boys and Girls Club travel team. He teamed up with a great group of boys and has excellent coaches who hail from England. Ty started the 3rd grade, and has not missed a beat socially or academically. He still enjoys anything sports related – he’s plowing through sports novels and even decorated his new room with Hokies, Steelers, and other sports paraphernalia. Dave and Ty also enjoyed going to the Steelers vs. Redskins preseason game.

Ellie was busy this summer, attending cheer camp and Vacation Bible School. She was very excited to start Kindergarten ½ days this Fall, and has made lots of new friends. After school, Ellie keeps busy with soccer in the fall and swimming in the winter. She also continues with gymnastics year round. She and Drew have a grand time reading and playing together in the afternoons waiting to pick Tyler up from the bus. Did we mention she lost her first two teeth?

If you know Drew at all, you will not be surprised that he insisted on not being left out while big brother and sis went off to school. The first day Ellie and Tyler left for school on the bus, he was NOT pleased (see picture on the right), so we found a great pre-school for him. He calls it "Drew’s School". His personality is really developing, somewhere between class clown and daredevil with a whole lot of sweet in between. It seems not a day goes by that he doesn’t have a new bruise or bump from trying to keep up with Ellie and Tyler and he always succeeds in cracking us up with his silliness. He loves life and makes the most of it every day!

Melissa (guess she is Dorothy?) has been the glue that keeps the family together. She still manages to squeeze in a couple of days of work each week for Booz Allen while taking care of the kids and house. Not sure how she does it, but my guess is it involves ruby slippers and flying monkeys.

Of course, we can’t forget our oldest child, Toto, I mean Aspen. She is doing well for an old lady of 14 years. She still loves taking walks and begging for table scraps. In fact, since we don’t have a fence, she has managed to take herself on numerous long walks.

In between taking the kids to practice, work, and the move, we have managed to have some fun. Before we left KC, we made a point to see several KS landmarks including the horse and carriage ride around The Plaza, the Liberty World War I Memorial, and College Basketball Hall of Fame. The highlight of the KC sites was the American Jazz Blue Room, where we heard an impromptu performance by KC native and Grammy-award winner Oleta Adams. She was amazing! We then moseyed over to the historic Musicians Foundation Club for an after hours performance (opens at 1:00 am). We wrapped up our KS stint with a going away party, complete with a huge water slide.

Dave & Melissa also finally made it back to Blacksburg for the first time in 10 years. We had a great time tailgating and watching Hokie football. Melissa took Tyler and Ellie to see their great grandmother – not sure who was more excited, Grandma Trout or the kids. Dave continues to find time to run and mountain bike, and even ran a 50K for his 40th birthday. Tyler has started to join Dave on the shorter runs. Don’t tell Ty, but his old man has trouble keeping up with him.

We miss our dear KC friends, Oklahoma Joes’ Z-man sandwich, and Gates BBQ sauce, but we are happy to be able to call on grandparents to help with babysitting, and to enjoy birthdays and holidays with family, catch up with old VA friends and make some new ones.

One more thing…remember at the end of the Wizard of Oz, where the Great Wizard leaves Dorothy behind while he travels home in a hot air balloon? Well, we will be moving again next year. This time, it is only about a mile down the road, back into our old Virginia house.

Tuesday, November 10

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Fountain Head

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Fountain Head

Trying out new tool to share info from my garmin. This was ride at Foutainhead trail this past Sunday (beautiful day). You tube video of what the ride is like

Tuesday, November 3

Halloween 09

First Halloween back in VA was a success despite a little rain and Ty recovering from pneumonia. Ty was a rock star, Ellie Wonder Women, and Drew was Elmo. Drew really got into it this year, loving all the candies. Dave's parents made the trip up from Charlottesville too. Dad French was Batman to go with Ellie's Wonder Women.

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Monday, September 28

Drew School

We found a great pre-school for Drew to attend 2-days a week. St. Mathews Preschool is literally right behind Ty and Ellie's elementary school, making drop off and pick up easy. And Drew absolutely loves it! He calls it 'Drew's School'. He still misses Tyler and Ellie, but it helps now that he has his own thing too. Of course, it helps us parents a little too

As you can see, his teachers are really good. They create a warm and caring environment for the kids to learn in. Each week, he comes home with some project he worked on, and boy is he proud of it.

Tuesday, September 8

1st Day of School

Click on title above (1st day of school) for link to more photos. Kids first day at school. We have almost 30 kids at the bus stop, thanks to budget cuts. Makes for a fun morning, however. I am thinking about setting up a starbucks at the corner - I can probably make a ton of money with the mom and dad crowd

Tuesday, September 1

Ellie loses her first (and second) tooth

Before we left Kansas, Ellie lost her first tooth on June 20th. Then when we got to Virginia, she lost her second. Both on the bottom front. Combine that with her entering Kindergarten, and this have been a big year for our little girl!
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Wednesday, August 26

We are back in Northern Virginia and settled in (mostly)

We have finally started to settle in, with most of our stuff unpacked or in storage (thanks Mom and Dad Fulton). Ty and Ellie start school next week. What a long summer, getting out in May in Kansas, and not starting on Sept in VA. Lots of stuff going on, so I am going to try to make shorter, more frequent posts instead of one big one.

Last weekend, Dave took Tyler to see the Steelers vs. Redskins preseason game at FedEx Field. It was a bit wet, but we have good seats, 11 rows up from the 20 yard line, behind the Steelers bench. Except for traffic, we had a great time. Plenty of Steelers fans around us. I have posted pics online here

Wednesday, July 1

Back in Northern Virginia

I know it has been ages since I posted, but I have a good reason - we moved back to Northern Virginia (aka NoVA). Late last Fall, I learned my company would be closing their KC office. Since then, Melissa & I decided to move back to DC area and have been working on finding place to live. As some of you might know, we still own a house in NOVA. Unfortunately, the tenant's lease runs through next summer. After much searching and many false starts, we finally found a house to rent in the same neighborhood, meaning the kids won't have to change schools when we move back into our old house.

More information to follow, but if you would like our new contact information, shoot me an email at or sent one to Melissa's work email.

Thursday, February 19

Going 30 for turning 40

For those who don’t know, I recently had the “privilege” of turning 40. Along with a little extra ‘attention’ at my annual physical and having to get glasses, I tried to ignore it. If you know me, I am not big into birthday celebrations anyways. When Melissa asked what I wanted to do, I replied, “same thing I do each year to celebrate my birthday, run a race.” I know it’s childish, but it’s my way of saying “I’m not getting older”. So on February 14th (yes - I abandoned my wife and family on Valentine’s day) I took part in the 5th Annual Psycho – Wyco Trail Run.

A Trail Run, in flatter than a pancake Kansas? Yep, and this is my 3rd year doing the race, but the first time I actually signed up for the full, 3 loop, 31 miles version. The course is a 10 mile loop, described as being “rocky, rooty, and hilly bridle trails & single-track trails.” Okay, but this is still Kansas, so how tough could it really be??? Highlights of the course see map) include:

  • only 22% of the course is flat, the rest has average grade of 17%>
  • Total of 10,000 feet in elevation change
  • There is 1/3 mile section of paved road, but wait, it is at 20% grade
  • “Fall down hill”, a negative 20% grade of mud and ice (and yes, I fell once)
  • “The Triangle” as twisting, turning, game-trail section that makes you dizzy
  • “Speed demon ridge” a fun, downhill section along top of ridge
  • >“Misery Ridge” every see mountain goats on animal planet? Sort of like that with more mud
So how did it go? If you have to pick an ultra to do, this is the one. Fully staffed aid stations every 3 – 4 miles manned by super-friendly people, many are seasoned ultra runners and stocked with every kind of sugar you can think of.

First Loop
Start of race, I lined up with 250 other weirdos (or trail nerds and mudbabes as they like to call themselves). The first loop I was feeling great. A little icy, with temps around 29 degrees. The sun was just coming up, making for beautiful morning. I started a little fast, due to race high. Around mile 3, while somewhere in the ‘triangle’, a runner in front of me startled a deer, who charged out of her hiding place. I yell for someone to put a race bib on it. Rest of first loop went great, but I finished a little faster than I wanted to at 1 hour 50 minutes. Feeling great, having fun.

Second Loop
I added some body glide to my feet to help with hot spots, stocked up on jelly bellies and gu, and took off for second loop. Lots more mud, combined with some fatigue, made me a little slower, so I start walking up the hills. Coming out of the slippery triangle section at mile 14, I eat my 1st package of caffeinated powerbar gel and felt good enough to pick up pace. I passed time over the next several miles by chatting with another runner. The interesting thing about these races vs. road races– everybody is so friendly! I made it through second loop at 2 hours, 17 minutes, including about 10 minutes at aid stations. My body is feeling the effects of first two loops, so I stop just long enough to get some food (pb&j, Gatorade and mountain dew) before taking off for final lap.

Third loop
I spent most of the final lap in daze, but I do remember lots more mud, lots more walking, lots of slipping / sliding down hills. I keep eating rest of my gels and jelly bellies, but I guess it wasn’t enough. Around mile 7, I started to feel a little dizzy / light headed and wonder if I will be able to finish. Fortunately, at mile 8 is an aid station. A staffer asks what I need / want, and I sort of blankly stare at him as I hand over my water bottle for refill. He suggests some sugar, and hands me a mountain dew. I think I owe him my life, because 2 glasses of dew and I feel the fog lift. Only 2 miles to go, and I know I can make it now. Only problem is, they save 3 bad @ss hills for last 2 miles of the loop. I think I was actually moving backwards between the mud and my lack of strength on the last hill. However once I cleared, it, I summoned my last reserve of energy and ran it home for last ½ mile.


So how did it feel to finish? Perhaps this joke describes it best –

One friend sees another friend hitting himself on the head with a hammer.

Second friend asks “Why are your hitting yourself with a hammer?”

First friend responds “because it feels so good when I stop”.

Seriously, I finished with decent time of 6 hours and 40 minutes and it was a total rush. I finished 5th in my age group and 31st out of 100 overall. Not a bad way to celebrate my 40th birthday.

Why do it? It is hard to explain, but there is something spiritual about it when your whole world narrows down to one thing. There is no room for worries or pressure or anything else. Plus, my Garmin Watch estimates I burned through 3,500 calories, meaning I got to eat whatever I wanted the rest of the weekend, including the delicious turkey dinner Melissa made on Sunday to celebrate.

You can read more about the race at the KC Star or at the race site

Photos courtesy of SeeKCRun and Rich Stigall

Tuesday, January 20

Christmas Time

Okay, I realize it is almost February, but I am finally getting around to uploading pictures from Christmas. Hey, it is not like we were late on our Christmas / New Year's / Martin Luther King / Inauguration cards this year. Oh yeah, I guess we were, since I just dropped them off at the Post Office today.

As you already know, the main gift this year was a trip to Disney World. We were to suppose to get back around 5 pm on December 21st. However, thanks to delays, we got home around 1 am on December 22nd. At least we didn't get delayed on the way there.

So, that said, we still got the kids a few things. I think Tyler's favorite gift was probably the Palomalu jersey. After they way Palomalu played last week, who can blame Ty? As for Ellie, I am pretty sure the American Girl doll was top of her list. As for our boy Drew, he just had fun tearing into everything. I think he was surprised no one was giving him a hard time for making a mess.