Tuesday, December 16

Where in the world (Disney) are the French's?

Here is a hint (photo at left). For Christmas this year, we took the family to Disney World. Both sets of parents are here as well. It is only our 3rd day, but we have been busy! We have seen lots of the characters, including Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, as well as the characters from Bolt (Mittens, Rhino and Bolt), Frozone from the Incredibles, and lots of the princesses.

The highlight for Ellie so far was the diner with Cinderella. During dinner, we had visits to our table from Cinderella herself, along with Prince Charming (Ellie danced with him), as well as the evil step mother and Cinderella's two step sisters, Anastasia and Drizella. Let me tell you, the two step sisters were the most entertaining of all the characters. Just take a look at these two photos.

This is a great place to be for the Holidays - lots of lights, decorations and celebrations. Cinderella's castle is all lit up each night, along with an incredible fireworks show. Over at the studios, there is a great show inspired by Fantasia, called Fantasmic. It is an amazing use of pyrotechnics, water, and lasers. Oh yeah, don't miss the Osborne Family Lights (not this Osborne). Can you believe all these lights were done by one family on their house?

Later this week, I hope to have a web album up of our pics. You can also click here to see photos taken by Disney photographers.

Thursday, October 23

Ellie donates hair to Locks of Love

Ellie decided she wanted to get her hair cut. Not the usual trim, but really get it cut, like 10 inches worth. Some of Ellie's friends had donated hair to the Locks of Love program, and she wanted to do the same. Locks of Love donates hair to underprivleged children who loose it due to medical treatment, such as chemo. Ellie is holding the hair she donated. While supportive, Melissa was a little hesitant, since Ellie has never had her hair cut before. Take a look at the next picture, which was taken a week before, to get an idea how much hair she had.

As you can see, her stylist did a great job. Ellie has been going to Shearr Madness for several years. Her stylist, Ms. LeAnn treats her like the Princess we all know Ellie to be. First, she measured the length to be cut to help Ellie imagine what it would look like. Then she cut it (I think Melissa shed a few tears) and styled it. And we all love the new look. Not only is it much easier for her to get ready each morning, we all now see her bright eyes. And it does help with sports too.

Wednesday, October 15

Hokies defeat Huskers

A couple of weeks back, I took Tyler up to Lincoln, Nebraska. What is in Lincoln, besides the state capital? It is home of the Huskers, who hosted the Virginia Tech Hokies for a great football game on September 27th. I always wanted to see a game at one of the large, Midwest schools. At 85,500 + seats, I decided to take advantage of the "local" game. So after Tyler's soccer game, we drove a short 3 1/2 hours Northwest of Kansas City to Lincoln. We made it in time to grab a quick dinner at the Spaghetti Works for some yummy pizza before walking over to the stadium.

Before I get to the game, I have to say, if you ever have a chance to go to a Nebraska game, do it. It is everything good about college sports: knowledgeable but respectful fans, family friendly atmosphere, marching bands, music, and lots of cheering. I lost count how many Nebraska fans asked us where we were from, wished us good luck in the game, and were just plan nice. Even though we were sitting on the Nebraska side, I didn't have any concerns having Tyler with me.

As for the game, it was very exciting. Tech blocked a kick and Nebraska ran a kickoff back for a touchdown. It looked like Tech would win it easily when they were up 28 - 10 late in the 3rd quarter, only to have Nebraska score twice to make it 35 - 30 with 2:30 left. The game came down to Tech forcing a turn over on the final Nebraska drive. Whew! On the way out, many of the Nebraska fans congratulated us on the win. A quick trip to Starbucks (coffee for me, water for Tyler) before heading back and making it home at 3 in the morning. Hope we can make the game next year, when Nebraska visits Blacksburg.

Friday, October 10

Drew is walking!

Click on the image below or click here to see Drew taking stroll through the kitchen. Drew has taken a few steps here and there, but yesterday, he really got the hang of it. Boy, are we in trouble now!

Tuesday, October 7

Welcome to Drew's World

Welcome to Drew's World, where everything is good, because, well, everything is a toy. Drew is a true blessing and a very sweet boy. However, he is 100% boy, a total rascal, and gets into everything (and I mean everything). Tyler and Ellie really took it easy on us by comparison. So Melissa signed Drew up for some 1-on-1 time at "My Gym".

Drew goes on Monday, when Tyler is at school and Ellie is at pre-k. He loves it. You can see him thinking 'finally, some place I can get into what ever I want and no one will mind!'. Chasing bubbles, crawling around, climbing, playing in the ball pit. I wish my day was more like that.

After a hard day's playing, Melissa is a little tired out, so she sometimes lets Drew drive home

Monday, August 25

Drew's 1st Birthday Party

Drew finally put his foot down and demanded we give him a birthday party. What was the big deal? It was only 3 weeks late. Okay, so maybe it is true what they say about the 3rd child getting neglected, but we tried to make up for it with a good party.

We rented a moon bounce - figuring the older kids would be entertained (that does not mean you, Dave). And they were. Tyler didn't want to in, even though it was dark, and Ellie cried when she realized we weren't keeping it. But the one that through the biggest fit? That would be Drew. He loved bouncing around in there, giggling and belly laughing the whole time.

Besides a moon-bounce, we let Drew have some cake. I think he liked it. We had some pictures done at Penny's on Drew's actual birthday, so it wasn't his first cake. Check out the gallery at the right with some pictures.

Even though Drew made sure he was center of the attention, I think we managed to have a good time too. Lots of food (home made brisket, cole slaw, hot dogs) and picture perfect late summer day made for a nice time.

And of course, lots of presents for Drew. I think he started to get the hang of opening the presents. Or maybe it was just playing with the paper. Either way, he had a great time celebrating this momentous occasion! Wow- where did this past year go?

Tuesday, August 5

Happy Birthday Drew!

Hey - come a little closer... I have a secret to tell you. Andrew Richard French turns 1 year old today! We can't believe have quickly he has grown. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, now he is looking out the window with his buddy Aspen and eating corn off the cob (with a little help).

To celebrate, in addition to the couple of pictures I have posted here, I have also posted a new gallery of pictures - see link to the left or click here. Melissa took each of our children to have their photos taken each month of their first year. If I get my act together, I will scan in pictures from Tyler and Ellie's first year also. It will be fun to see who Drew looks more like at this age.

We aren't actually planning a party for Drew until next weekend. That is why I don't have any cake or birthday party pictures in this post. Check back in a week or so, and I hope to have a shot of Drew eating his first bite of cake!

Wednesday, July 9

Spotlight on Tyler

In case you didn't know it, Tyler loves playing sports. Soccer, basketball, football and right now, baseball. The spring season of machine pitch comes to end this week, and Tyler's team has had a good season. The highlight of the year was 3&2 (that's the league he plays in) night at T-bones game. The T-bones are local, unaffiliated minor league team.

Each 3&2 team gets to march around the field prior to the game. As an added bonus, the team that sells the most tickets gets to take the field with the T-bones. Guess which team that was? Yep, ours. Tyler was ecstatic to run out onto the field with 'a real baseball player'. In fact, I think the whole team was pretty pumped.

Ty also spent a week at football camp. He has signed up to play flag football in the fall. No idea what position he will play, but he does have a pretty good arm. Might have to get Tyler some time with Uncle Todd for QB lessons.

Besides playing sports, Tyler has joined scouts. He just finished his first year, making it to Bear Cub. We went to year-end picnic for the ceremony. Tyler also spent a week at Scout Day Camp. Melissa and I both helped out with activities on different days. Even through it was extra hot that week, the kids stayed cool with water fights and spray down by fire engine.

Next post will be for Drew, as he gets ready to celebrate his first birthday.

Sunday, May 25

Spotlight on Ellie

Since I am so far behind on posting, I thought I would make one post dedicated to each child over the next three weeks. First up is Ellie, who recently had her second dance recital. She danced to Zippa Dee Doo Dah. She had a great time and absolutely LOVED skipping on stage. We also curled her pony tail into tiny spiral curls - very cute!!

I also wanted to include one more picture of Ellie from soccer. She is in the middle, wearing blue. If you look closely, you can see Ellie has her tongue sticking out - just like her brother does when he is playing sports. Is that a Fulton family trait Pop Pops??

Wednesday, May 21

baseball, baptism, and babes

The past couple of weeks have been full of activities for the kids. First, we had Drew baptized on Mother's Day. He didn't complain at all, but did try to wiggle free. As pastor Bob said 'May the Lord use Drew's strength and activeness towards His end". Ellie also sang in the kids choir that morning.

The next weekend saw the end of both Tyler's and Ellie's soccer seasons. Ty had a late morning game, followed by a lunch pizza party at a local park. Ellie had a late afternoon game, followed by pizza party dinner. I think we have had our fill of pizza for a little bit. Dave had a great time helping coach both teams, but we are glad to be down to just one sport - Baseball.

Ty has adjusted quickly to machine pitch baseball. He has gotten a hit at every at bat so far. And Ellie has lots of playmates at the games. What a bunch of divas.

Saturday, April 12

Just returned from falling off edge of the earth

So the last time I posted, back in January, I said I would have video of Ty playing basketball. Umm, Tyler not only started playing basketball, he finished it. Not only that, he has gone on to soccer and baseball. Oh yeah, Ellie has started playing soccer too. And guess who got volunteered to help coach all three? Now that I am officially helping coach, and Melissa has her hands full with Drew, I don't think I will be boring you with too many sports pictures.

So lets see. Tyler did great this year at basketball, often scoring several times in one game, and being very aggressive on defense - can we say 'foul'? As for soccer, he is really enjoying it. He helped lead the team to victory in their last game by scoring 2 goals in the first half, then switching to goalie the second half. It was the first time he has played goalie, but he made some great saves. Must be the coaching. So far, baseball is just practice. Ty has a big adjustment to make, since this is the first year of machine pitch.

Ellie is super excited to be playing soccer this year. I was spectacular in coaching her team to a 5 - nothing loss. But the girls definitely had fun, so it wasn't a total loss (pun intended). She is also getting ready for a dance recital next month. She likes dancing, but not the practicing part.

And Drew keeps growing. He is long and lean (95% length, 50 percentile weight - where does he get that from?). Still babbling away, with an occasional da-da or ma-ma- having no idea what he's saying. He is eating more baby food and just starting to crawl. For now, his preferred means of locomotion is scooching or rolling. Can't leave that rascal alone for more than 20 seconds without him finding trouble. Don't let the sweet looks fool you.

Monday, January 21

Lots of 1st for Drew this month

No, Drew is not talking, at least not saying anything we understand yet. And it is still too early for him to start crawling - thankfully! No, it is something much more fun, and messy. Drew has started eating solid food. Well, I'm not sure you can call baby food solid, but you get the idea. He has really taken to it, making all kinds of happy noises when we feed him. And like any baby, he likes to make a little bit of a mess with the food too. We started off with rice cereal mixed with milk, in the last week have added peas, sweet potatoes and applesauce (his favorite).

The only downside? Stinky diapers!!! Hard to believe such a sweet face can make such a mess. Also this week, Drew has finally decided he is okay with sitting up. Usually he prefers to recline - must take after his daddy! Tyler took the picture below the other night for us. Drew was sitting up to watch Ellie do some silly dance for him.

Next week I should get some pictures and maybe video of Tyler playing basketball and Ellie singing in Church.

Monday, January 7


This December was one of the snowiest in Kansas City history. Since the kids were off from school, we did what any parent would do - put them to work shoveling snow! Ty and Ellie are still too young to realize it is not supposed to be fun.

One good thing - we had a white Christmas. We decided to stay in KC for Christmas. It was a quiet, relaxing time. At least until Christmas morning. Actually, Ty and Ellie were extremely well behaved, letting us sleep in until 8:00 am. They even helped Drew open some presents!

After opening stockings, we had our traditional coffee cake complete with candle and singing happy birthday to baby Jesus. Then, on to more presents!

Melissa had fun picking out the kids' Christmas outfits. The boys had matching shirts, and, of course, Ellie had a "fancy dress."