Monday, January 21

Lots of 1st for Drew this month

No, Drew is not talking, at least not saying anything we understand yet. And it is still too early for him to start crawling - thankfully! No, it is something much more fun, and messy. Drew has started eating solid food. Well, I'm not sure you can call baby food solid, but you get the idea. He has really taken to it, making all kinds of happy noises when we feed him. And like any baby, he likes to make a little bit of a mess with the food too. We started off with rice cereal mixed with milk, in the last week have added peas, sweet potatoes and applesauce (his favorite).

The only downside? Stinky diapers!!! Hard to believe such a sweet face can make such a mess. Also this week, Drew has finally decided he is okay with sitting up. Usually he prefers to recline - must take after his daddy! Tyler took the picture below the other night for us. Drew was sitting up to watch Ellie do some silly dance for him.

Next week I should get some pictures and maybe video of Tyler playing basketball and Ellie singing in Church.

Monday, January 7


This December was one of the snowiest in Kansas City history. Since the kids were off from school, we did what any parent would do - put them to work shoveling snow! Ty and Ellie are still too young to realize it is not supposed to be fun.

One good thing - we had a white Christmas. We decided to stay in KC for Christmas. It was a quiet, relaxing time. At least until Christmas morning. Actually, Ty and Ellie were extremely well behaved, letting us sleep in until 8:00 am. They even helped Drew open some presents!

After opening stockings, we had our traditional coffee cake complete with candle and singing happy birthday to baby Jesus. Then, on to more presents!

Melissa had fun picking out the kids' Christmas outfits. The boys had matching shirts, and, of course, Ellie had a "fancy dress."