Saturday, August 19

Ty's 1st Day of Kindergarten

It is official - Tyler is now in Kindergarten. Not quite sure when it happened, but it somehow snuck up on us. If you know Ty, you can imagine how excited he was about his first day. New back-pack, shiny new sneakers, he even got up early to make sure we got there on time. We all went with him for the first day, being a big event and all. The school even had coffee and donuts to make it easier on the parents.
Ty's teacher, Mr. Stidham, is great. He is very out-going, taking as much time with the parents as with the kids. You can guess which ones are harder to handle ;) Surprising, Mom & Dad held up pretty well.

Tyler has already told Melissa she can't give him hugs when she drops him off. I figured we had a few more years before that started! Must be he is worried about his image. Take a look at the cuties he is hanging with. That's my boy!

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