Sunday, July 30

Ty has been asking to go fishing for quite a while. We finally made it over the local farm / park the other day and had a great time. While Dave had to the do the dirty work (read "hook the worms") the kids had a blast. Ellie didn't want to wait; she put her pole in right away while Dave was trying to bait Ty's hook.

These fish were pretty crafty. I guess they are used to finding hooks in their food, because they knew just how to nibble without getting caught. However, it didn't take too long for Tyler to land his first fish. It was a little small, but hey - it was his first fish! In no time at all, he landed his second fish. What a natural!

Not to be out-done, Ellie also caught her first fish. Even though she only caught one, it was the biggest fish of the day! I don't think she was as excited about it as Tyler was, at least not until I put it back in the water.

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